California's housing crisis is unsustainable. We need more housing and we need it now. Housing prices have skyrocketed in recent years because of a lack of housing supply. In the Senate, Yvonne Yiu will cut red tape to streamline building housing near jobs, schools and public transit, and she will create new policies to create pathways to homeownership for middle class and working Californians. Moreover, by building more housing, we will not only alleviate our housing crisis, but we will also create thousands of new good-paying jobs throughout the San Gabriel Valley.
Yvonne Yiu believes that in the wealthiest nation on the planet, it is unacceptable that we have people living and dying on our streets. She understands that homelessness has become a statewide emergency that requires a statewide response. That's why Yvonne will work in the state legislature to increase funding for mental health services, expand affordable housing and permanent housing solutions, build housing on underutilized government land, all while investing more in job-training and apprenticeship programs. Beyond these steps, Yvonne will work in the Senate to hold local governments accountable to ensure taxpayer funds are used effectively and efficiently to urgently tackle homelessness.
As a longtime leader in business, Yvonne Yiu knows firsthand the importance of creating good-paying middle class jobs. As Senator, Yvonne will work to invest in infrastructure to modernize, enhance and strengthen our economy - which in turn will create jobs throughout the San Gabriel Valley. She will also prioritize job-training, vocational, tech and trade school programs, to ensure workers can gain the skills and knowledge they need to compete in our 21st century economy. From healthcare to education to entertainment to transportation and everything in between, Yvonne will be a fighter for working families, protecting workers' rights and advocating for livable wages. Yvonne understands that when working people thrive, California's middle class economy thrives.
In the Senate, Yvonne Yiu will work to ensure California maintains its status as the 4th largest economy in the world. To accomplish this, Yvonne will bring her dynamic business background and skill-set to the legislature to craft policies that promote local and small businesses, which are the backbone of our state's economy. She will work to create an environment that harnesses the power of our state’s economic engines and establish a setting where businesses can operate in a safe and healthy business climate that promotes their competitiveness and ensures that they and their workers can thrive.
Too many families across California feel unsafe in their local communities. Yvonne Yiu is a strong supporter of public safety and believes the state must do more to invest in 911 emergency responders, like police, firefighters and paramedics to improve the safety of our local neighborhoods. She is a strong supporter of more funding and resources for law enforcement and firefighting — not less. By adding more critical resources to our public safety agencies, we can reduce — or even stop crime — before it starts. Yvonne also believes we must strengthen laws to combat hate crimes and human trafficking and we must ensure prosecutorial offices have the resources they need to hold those who break the law accountable. At the same time, Yvonne believes we must also invest more in mental health, including employing mental health professionals who can help with addiction, as well as diversion programs for non-violent offenders to divert them away from a life of crime and put them on a path towards a productive life.
Yvonne Yiu knows the devastating impacts of gun violence all too well. After the mass shooting tragedy struck the City of Monterey Park, Yvonne worked with the community to heal. The drive to end gun violence is one of the reasons Yvonne is running for the Senate, so that she can work in the legislature to keep illegal guns off our streets and out of the hands of dangerous criminals. Yvonne strongly supports enacting tougher gun safety laws, including a nationwide ban on assault weapons, more robust universal background checks, stricter red flag laws to help prevent domestic abusers as well as individuals with a violent history or with mental illness from acquiring firearms, a nationwide ban on high capacity magazines and increased abilities to hold the gun-lobby and firearm industry members accountable.
Yvonne will continue working to close loopholes on Gun Control, including implementing mental health evaluations when applying for a permit. Moreover, Yvonne believes it is essential to introduce specific requirements for renewing permits and to address the issue of individuals still owning guns after their permits have expired.
Reproductive freedom and justice are not negotiable. Yvonne Yiu is a steadfast supporter of policies that protect and expand access to safe, legal abortion care, contraception and all reproductive healthcare. She is a strong proponent of investing more in Planned Parenthood and independent reproductive health clinics to increase access to quality, affordable care for women and all Californians. Yvonne also supports policies and investments aimed at welcoming and protecting patients and medical professionals from other states where abortion care and gender-affirming care are illegal or restricted.
As a graduate of California public schools, Yvonne Yiu believes public education is the greatest equalizer and that California must do more to ensure our students receive a world class education. That’s why Yvonne believes we need to fully fund public schools, reduce classroom sizes, hire more teachers, improve classroom learning environments by modernizing schools and upgrading them with new technologies and prioritizing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) curriculum as well as arts and music education.
When Yvonne moved to the United States from Hong Kong when she was 16 years old, learning to speak English while attending high school was an immense challenge. In the State Senate, she will fight to ensure that every student - including English language-learners - have access to supportive programs and resources to help them reach success. Yvonne also firmly believes that our schools must be safe, supportive and inclusive environments that are welcoming to all students, including immigrants, English-language learners, LGBTQ+ students and those with disabilities.

There is no denying that the climate crisis is one of the greatest threats we face. That’s why Yvonne Yiu will work in the Senate to address climate change head-on, reducing our state’s carbon footprint by investing more in clean energy technologies like wind and solar, continuing to incentive the use of electric vehicles and mass transit, modernizing and upgrading our existing buildings to improve energy-efficiency and ensuring new buildings are more energy-efficient and have a net-zero carbon footprint. Doing so will create good-paying local jobs across the San Gabriel Valley and throughout California. Yvonne also supports bolstering our water conservation efforts, developing new green energy technologies, teaching environmental education in schools, banning offshore oil drilling and protecting our pristine open spaces and California coastline.
Yvonne Yiu believes that anyone in California who needs healthcare should have access to the quality care they need. She strongly supports President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, and believes we must work to continue expanding access to healthcare to achieve the goal of universal coverage. Recognizing the healthcare worker shortage in the state, Yvonne also supports ensuring healthcare workers can earn livable wages so that we can attract and retain sufficient healthcare workers — and at the same time — so that patients can get the care they need, when they need it.
Additionally, Yvonne believes that healthcare facilities in all corners of California, from local community clinics to urgent cares to hospitals must have the resources they need to fully function and provide care to communities that depend on them. To ensure a continued pipeline of a well-trained healthcare workforce, Yvonne is also a strong proponent of more investments in career-training, occupational schools and medical schools to help bolster access to critical healthcare careers, from healthcare workers to physicians and more.
Recent years have shown how fragile America’s democracy truly is. That’s why in the Senate, Yvonne Yiu will be vigilant when it comes to protecting our democracy, including expanding voting rights, enacting solutions to further increase access to voting, safeguarding universal vote-by-mail, ensuring poll workers can work in a safe and healthy environment, and empowering voters in every capacity to ensure the long-term stability and safety of our democracy.